From a Student Intern

Hi Marcus,
As for… carrying over your practice techniques into my current practice, there are definitely some I try to incorporate when needed. My clinical education with you taught me to really understand patients from a biopsychosocial model. Many times, I have turned to diaphragmatic breathing when patients are anxious as a modality to bring a calmness to the treatment session. Also, regarding those patients who have higher baseline anxiety levels, I am much more aware of the presentation these patients bring and understand the effectiveness of taking a gradual approach with them. I have also incorporated many of the myofascial release techniques coupled with exercise in order to help patients move better in their new range of motion.
Michael Lofboom
From a Student Intern
Thank you for dedicating so much of your time to me over the past two months! I am grateful that you opened my mind to the world of polyvagal theory and all the therapies that go along with it. I really appreciate your kindness and understanding of my mental health challenges too! Looking forward to taking this knowledge forwards.
Diane E.
From a Colleague
Marcus’s work is profoundly inspiring and relevant. I found his presentations to be lively and engaging, helping me to understand important concepts that have influenced my work with clients. I use these ideas and techniques every day.
Dr. Steven Henne
From a Patient
The work Marcus has done with me helped me turn the corner and restart my life. I am connected to my body in a way I thought would never happen again. I wish all survivors of assault had access to this kind of treatment – I have been telling as many people as I can reach about what I’ve learned about myself, and what it is possible to achieve by working with the body to relieve the effects of trauma.
Thanks, D
From a Patient
Dear Marcus:
Thank you for your wonderful work! Working with you was unlike any other while working with trauma. Thank you for the amazing experience of healing you shared with me. Many doors are opening because of this wonderful experience. Thank you for helping me understand the importance of giving back the control when working with traumatized people. Working with you meant so much to me. Thank you.
Erica O.
From a Patient
I wanted to write you about Marcus and my daughter. My daughter is diagnosed with RSD and Dysautonomia. Google RSD the prognosis is terrible. It does not get better it spreads and gets worse.
After several months of her seeing Marcus her RSD is receding, the pain is greatly reduced, her dysautonomia symptoms are lessening. All things the literature and all of her Dr's and specialists said would never happen.
Several weeks before she met Marcus, she was contemplating suicide. She couldn't handle the pain anymore.
Marcus has given her, her life back, her goals and dreams back, he has given me my happy and fun daughter back. There are not enough words in the English language to properly explain our gratitude to him.
B & P
From a Patient
My pain level was a three during very calm days but normally a six or seven. I had dropped out of life and smoked pot all the time in an attempt to control the pain. I am now at a zero-pain level and have stopped smoking pot. The most exciting part is with Marcus's guidance I am present in my body and mind. I would try exercising when I was at a three and my body would go ballistic after a week or so. Marcus helped me realize that my exercise methods hurt my body while yoga and biking were easier on my body.
The physical therapy is amazing and can settle my body quickly. Not sure how it is done but it is like magic. As a long-term chronic pain sufferer, I am ecstatic to have no pain. Marcus is working on my tremor and I am looking forward to living an almost normal life. Many thanks to Marcus.